Our Mission Statement
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                           The Officers

Our Mission


Scholarship Program





Our Mission Statement

     The Hikes Point Optimist Club is a local chapter of Optimist International with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri and chapters located in countries around the world.  The motto of Optimist International is "friend of youth" and the Hikes Point Optimist Club seeks to adhere to this philosophy through the programs we offer to the area youth.

     The Hikes Point Optimist Club founded in 1956 has played a vital role in providing quality recreational opportunities for the youth of the Hikes Point area.  Currently there are approximately 40 dues paying members which over see the programs we offer.  Membership is $120 a year paid in four $30 installments.   Membership includes dinner meeting twice a month (Sept.-April) and your involvement in the planning and decision-making processes which help to keep our programs improving.

     The Hikes Point Optimist Club has supported the DARE program for the last 9 years purchasing t-shirts for all the 4th graders  at Watterson Elementary School. In 1998 we introduced a scholarship program which offers college tuition assistance for students who were actively involved in our programs 5 years or more.

     In 1999, more than 800 boys and girls participated in out Spring baseball and softball programs.  In the fall, flag and tackle football, and cheerleading will provide 200 boys and girls the opportunity to be a part of the outstanding Hikes Point Lobos program.

This is the mission statement of the Hikes Point Optimist Club:

1. Develop optimism as a philosophy of life

2. To promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire respect for the law, to promote patriotism, and to work for international accord and friendship among all people.

3. To encourage the development of youth.

As we enter the new millennium, the Hikes Point Optimist Club will continue to be a guiding force in the community through its commitment to "friend of youth". 

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